Success Stories

Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) Compliance

Industry: Medical Equipment Manufacturing

·      Delivereda comprehensive review and assessment of the organization’s AS-IS LeanIXworkspace, providing high-level and actionable recommendations for future EAsuccess.

·      Supportedthe implementation of LeanIX as a central component of the organization’scompliance program, enabling structured and data-driven compliance management.

·      Addressedcompliance-specific needs through meta model customization, conventions,tailored dashboards, and detailed reports.

·      Facilitateddata capturing in LeanIX by conducting interviews with relevant stakeholders inthe organization.

·      Implementeda governance structure using FactsheetInsights (FSI) enabling reporting of progress upwards in the organization.

·      Establishedand implemented conventions, governance processes, and data quality standardsto ensure long-term EAM success.

·      Delivereda roadmap for ongoing EA practice maturity and LeanIX optimization to keepmomentum.


A medical equipment manufacturer recognized thegrowing potential of enterprise architecture (EA) and LeanIX practices withintheir organization. While they already were using LeanIX, the organizationfaced challenges in leveraging it to its full potential. They needed assistancein reviewing their AS-IS workspace to identify areas for improvement andprovide actionable recommendations to increase value capture.

The organization decided that LeanIX should serve asone of the key applications in their compliance program. However, the urgencyof the initiative meant that their existing resources were not sufficient toachieve the necessary progress within the desired timeframe.


To solve these problems, it required not onlytechnical adjustments but also strategic guidance on how to ensure sustainedsuccess.


We at Konfident were brought on board as an extendedresource, functioning almost as an internal team member within theorganization. Our role was to assess the existing organization’s EA practicesand LeanIX setup, providing actionable recommendations and a roadmap forimprovement. We supported the organization to ensure the successfulimplementation of the recommendations. Key aspects of our solution included:

·      AS-ISAnalysis and Opportunity Assessment: Conducted anin-depth review of the AS-IS LeanIX workspace to evaluate current practices,identify gaps, and highlight opportunities for improvement and providehigh-level recommendations for capturing value with LeanIX.

  • Compliance Program: Facilitated the design and modeling of LeanIX as a central component of their compliance program, establishing best practices and guiding the implementation of necessary changes for this specific use case.
  • Enabling the Compliance Program: Customized the LeanIX metamodel to support compliance program requirements. Designed conventions and built customized dashboards and tailored reports to provide actionable insights and monitor compliance metrics.
  • Data Capturing: Conducted interviews with key stakeholders across the organization to gather essential data for LeanIX. Thus, facilitating the organization with accurate and relevant data that aligns with the compliance program’s objectives.
  • Self-Paced Compliance Training: Developed training materials focused on the compliance program, including a clear explanation of conventions, best practices, and “dos and don’ts” to foster a shared understanding and effective adoption of the compliance program.
  • Governance and Data Quality Assurance: Supported them in defining roles and responsibilities. Implemented a governance structure using Factsheet Insights(FSI) and introduced tailored dashboards and conventions to ensure and maintain a high data quality.



The ongoing partnership has set the organization on apath toward sustained success with their EA and LeanIX practices. Thepartnership successfully addressed the urgency and resource constraints oftheir compliance program initiative. By functioning as an extended resource, weprovided the expertise and capacity necessary to meet their compliance programgoals in a timely manner.

Through customized metamodel configurations, tailoreddashboards and conventions, LeanIX has been fully embedded as a central part oftheir compliance program, providing reliable and structured insights.

A governance structure has been implemented using Factsheet Insights(FSI) includingdata quality standards, conventions and dashboards for monitoring to providethe organization with a strong EAM foundation for reliable insights andlong-term sustainability.

The ongoing partnership also enables the organizationto benefit from utilizing Konfident as an extra, flexible and knowledgeableresource with in-depth expertise in both EA practices and the organization’sunique needs. Thus, this engagement not only addressed the immediate prioritiesof the compliance program, but also provided the organization with access to auniquely qualified partner for future scalability and support for their EAMpractices.

Lastly, with a roadmap in place, the organization iswell-positioned to further mature its EA practices and continue maximizing thepotential of LeanIX as a strategic tool.