April 16, 2024

Optimizing and Automating Data Quality in LeanIX

Data quality enforcement (with Factsheet Insights)

Elevating Data Quality with Factsheet Insights: A Comprehensive Introduction to Konfident's Service for LeanIX

In today's increasingly digital and data-driven business landscape, the quality and trustworthiness of data have become paramount for organizations. Especially for those leveraging LeanIX for Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM), maintaining high-quality data is not just a necessity but a strategic imperative. Recognizing this need, Konfident has introduced Factsheet Insights, a specialized service designed to take data quality and trust to the next level while simultaneously reducing manual workload.

The Importance of Data Quality in EAM

LeanIX is a powerful platform that allows organizations to model various facets of their enterprise, ranging from strategic objectives to software assets and beyond. This capability provides transparency and fosters collaboration across the organization. However, as architectural landscapes grow and more stakeholders contribute to the data ecosystem, the complexity of maintaining data fitness increases exponentially.  

While LeanIX provides robust capabilities for maintaining data quality through mandatory content definitions, it's important to recognize that relying exclusively on these built-in features may have some limitations. Its out-of-the-box approach may not fully accommodate the unique data governance policies, industry regulations, or specific business requirements of different organizations. This standardized approach can sometimes lead to challenges in aligning with an organization's individual data quality standards and compliance needs. While LeanIX's built-in mandatory content definitions focus on data completeness at the individual fact sheet level, they may not comprehensively address other essential aspects of data quality, such as accuracy, consistency, and timeliness. For organizations seeking a more tailored and comprehensive approach to data quality management, supplementing LeanIX's features with specialized tools and services like Konfident's Factsheet Insights can provide a more holistic solution.

Factsheet Insights aims to bridge this complexity by offering an extension to LeanIX that not only enhances data quality and trust but also minimizes manual efforts through automation.

Clear quality definitions and effective enforcement

Ensuring high-quality data involves two critical components:

  1. Clear definitions: Organizations must have a clear understanding of what constitutes good quality data. This includes defining conventions for data modeling, naming conventions, and quality standards.
  1. Effective mechanisms to enforce: Once clear definitions are in place, organizations need effective mechanisms to enforce the agreed-upon level of quality. This involves setting up rules, workflows, and automated checks to maintain data integrity.

Deep Dive into Key Considerations for Data Quality

Achieving and maintaining high-quality data requires attention to several key areas. Modeling, naming, roles and responsibilities are some of the areas within the purview of Data Quality.  

They work in concert with each other, enabling us to utilize the data for decision-making, cooperation, and strategizing. Working on obsolete or wrong data will decrease the trust towards the data, and lead to organizational units holding their own truth of e.g. application landscapes.  

Modeling and Conventions

Modeling is a cornerstone of data quality. We need to decide what decisions we want to drive and collect the corresponding data to support this. Creating the metadata model requires insights and a few iterations. Even if we know what we want to collect, we need to make sure we can collect it, and maintain it over time.  

For instance, when modeling different integration scenarios, you could consider:

  1. How do we model different integration scenarios to support the kind of insights we need to drive?​
  1. When do we use hierarchies for different types of fact sheets? ​
  1. What cardinality between entities do we allow?
  1. Does some of the data result in ambiguity? E.g. when an application’s life cycle states it is active, but the application is not linked to a part of the organization.

Naming Conventions and Descriptions

Consistency in naming and descriptions is crucial for data quality and legibility. When building reports and diagrams, naming conventions ensure uniformity between entities. This again makes data more accessible, easier to digest, and more trustworthy.

Roles, Responsibilities, and Timing

The application landscape is dynamic. It responds to the needs of the organization, growing to accommodate business capabilities better, or shrinking in response to rationalization efforts. Effective data governance requires clear roles and associated responsibilities. Knowing who is responsible for entities, what data must be available at what time, and how long it is acceptable to not be in sync with data. Working with data quality seals supports this process. Fact Sheet Insights reinforces it, by highlighting if data quality has been broken for too long, or warn relevant stakeholder prior to the quality seal breaking - allowing for proactive action. 

Enforcement and Collaboration: The Pillars of Data Quality

Factsheet Insights offers comprehensive enforcement mechanisms to support the consideration of Data Quality. It focuses on providing relevant information, where it is required.

  • Functionality within EAM-Tool: The insights derived from the application portfolio is relevant in relation to the portfolio data. For this purpose, Factsheet Insights exposes all Insights directly in LeanIX.
  • Collaboration Features: Exposing Insights in LeanIX, allows us to work in concert with the build in collaboration tools. This way Data quality can be treated as a shared goal, rather than an individual concern.  
  • Tracking and Monitoring: Organizations need the ability to track the effects of their data quality efforts. Factsheet Insights offers tracking and monitoring features that enable organizations to measure data quality in terms of completeness, accuracy, and consistency, across the entire portfolio.  

How well is an amendment to the convention for application data integrated into the process of data collection? With the right metrics, Factsheet Insights will update the progress, and enable Enterprise Architects to facilitate where required, rather than waiting for users to go to them for guidance.  

Leveraging LeanIX's Capabilities for Enhanced Data Quality

As discussed earlier, LeanIX itself offers powerful capabilities to help organizations maintain data quality

  • Mandatory Content Definitions: LeanIX allows organizations to define mandatory content such as fields, relationships, and descriptions. Combined with the “Quality Seal” concept, this ensures data completeness at the individual fact sheet level.  
  • Facet Filters and Bookmarking: LeanIX provides facet filters that help organizations identify fact sheets with potential quality issues. Bookmarking such searches allows continuous monitoring of specific types of quality issues.
  • KPIs & Dashboards: With features around KPIs and dashboards, LeanIX enables organizations to make the size and impact of quality issues visible to everyone through concrete numbers and trendlines.

Konfident's Managed Service: A Game-Changer for Data Quality

At Konfident, we go beyond traditional data quality solutions by offering a managed service that continuously scans your inventory for policy violations based on custom rules. Our service extends LeanIX's capabilities, identifying issues that out-of-the-box features may miss. The findings are fed back into LeanIX, making them accessible through default capabilities, ensuring a seamless user experience.

One of the standout features of Factsheet Insights by Konfident is its seamless integration within the LeanIX platform, making it virtually invisible to organizations utilizing it. While Factsheet Insights enhances LeanIX's data quality capabilities, the intricate work behind the scenes remains hidden, preserving LeanIX's user-friendly interface and user experience. Organizations can continue to leverage LeanIX's powerful modeling and visualization tools without any disruptions or additional complexities. This integrated approach ensures that the added value from Factsheet Insights, such as advanced data quality checks and policy violation scans, is effortlessly accessible within the familiar LeanIX environment. This hidden yet effective integration enables organizations to maintain high data quality standards without the need for extensive training or changes to their existing workflows, offering a seamless and efficient data management experience.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Factsheet Insights by Konfident is a comprehensive solution for organizations using LeanIX, offering advanced features to enhance data quality and trust. Whether you're just starting on your data-driven EAM journey or looking to enhance existing data quality, Factsheet Insights provides the tools, insights, and support you need to succeed.

Thank you for diving deep into Factsheet Insights with us. If you're interested in learning more about how Konfident can assist you further, please don't hesitate to contact us. Also, we have provided a video, where you get a chance to see this in action. Whether you're at the beginning of your data-driven EAM journey or well along the way, now is the time to ensure your data quality is fit for purpose and actionable.

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